
“We are proud of all of the volunteers that have built this club over the last almost two decades. We’ll probably never get all the names here that should be here, but we’re going to try. Also, some names appear on the next page “Friends of the Folk Club”.

If you’ve volunteered but are not on either list, please just hit the contact button and remind us of how and when you helped out. We’d like to add your name.”

The board

[catlist post_type=team tax=team_category name=board orderby=date order=asc numberposts=-1 template=team]


Show volunteers past and current

[catlist post_type=team tax=team_category  name=show-volunteer orderby=date order=asc numberposts=-1 template=team]


Artist volunteers past and current

[catlist post_type=team tax=team_category  name=artist-volunteer orderby=date order=asc numberposts=-1 template=team]


Be a volunteer

if you’d like to help out at the folk club please contact festival@saltspring.com

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